The UNECE has published its latest thoughts on how the private sector can be brought in to build and operate much – needed Waste to Energy plants or, in full, its Guidelines on Public-Private Partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals in Waste-to-Energy Projects for Non-Recyclable Waste: Pathways towards a Circular Economy.
Andrew was acknowledged as a contributor on how to design financial support for the local government entities involved. Essentially, the world has a waste problem, it has an energy problem and PPP can come to the rescue – but waste management including WTE is a local activity and cities, provinces, etc are typically not sufficiently creditworthy for the private sector to take long term counterparty risk on them. Central governments need to provide support to local ones, structure that support, allocate it and recycle it once it is no longer needed – this takes careful negotiation which just so happens to be what Logie Group does.
Here is the document: UNECE on PPPs Dec 22.